2011 November 20 - 14:32 Stage 3D hardware support

I haven’t seens any stats on this anywhere else so I decied to make my own small research.
For the last few days I’ve had a tiny Flash11 swf at the bottom of this site, it has been testing the hardware support for Stage3D.

From the users who had Flash11 installed this is the reported driver result: (based on about 1000 visitors)

49% Software Direct blitting
37% DirectX9 Direct blitting
8% DirectX9Ex Direct blitting
4% OpenGL Direct blitting
<1% DirectX9 DescriptionATI Mobility Radeon HD 5450 Series Driveratiu9pagdll Version8000e117cb Direct blitting <1% DirectX9 DescriptionATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 Driveratiumdagdll Version8000ea02a6 Direct blitting

Based on visitors from these countries:

11.05% United States
9.13% United Kingdom
8.05% Russia
7.36% Turkey
6.60% Norway
5.84% France
4.34% China
3.91% Brazil
2.14% Australia
2.10% Romania
2.00% Ukraine

So from this data it would seem that even when you managed to get the publishing site to set the wmode to "direct", about half of the users will fallback to software. :/


2011 November 16 - 21:23 busy

Long time since the last update, I’ve been super busy on contract work lately, one of my largest projects yet, it’s eated an insane amount of time from me.

Simultaneous to that I’ve been working on UMAG2 of course. It’s getting close to finished.

I got a few smaller projects for tablets running as well.

And one new puzzle game which will launch for PC first but probably for tablets later.

And if that wasn’t enough I’ve started working a little on a premium version of RIFT for the Mac AppStore. But I’m not sure if that’s going to be completed.

Also, there’s been a lot of great games released this autumn, Rage, MW3, Skyrim (I need a new PC before I can play BF3)… I’m tired, very tired at the moment.


2011 September 17 - 19:14 Jet Velocity 2, UMAG2

A little Q&A with me about Jet Velocity on mochiland.

Work on UMAG2 is progressing nicely, been working on serverside validation of premium (payed) content today.
Release a small youtube video of it a while back also.


2011 July 26 - 18:39 Jet Velocity 2 released!

Jet Velocity 2 is now released on miniclip.com

Also, the work on UMAG2 is coming along nicely, should post a video on youtube soon.


2011 June 22 - 00:31 Office

Hard at work ;)


2011 June 12 - 18:30 Penguin Feeder

Finished up a simple multi-touch game, it also uses the accelerometer a bit.

Available on Blackberry Appworld for the Playbook.


2011 June 2 - 21:26 Open alpha/beta of SunForge

I’ve decided to remove the password for the development build of SunForge.
So it’s open for anyone to give a try, I haven’t promoted it anything so it might be hard to find someone online to play agains.



2011 May 28 - 20:09 UMAG II

Work have now officially begun on UMAG 2. It will be similar to UMAG but with lots of new features and improvement on the first game.

SunForge is not forgotten but I’ll put that project on the low burner for a while.


2011 May 15 - 21:46 Jet Velocity 2, Playbook

The work on Jet Velocity 2 is going very nicely. I’ll post a youtube video soon.

Also I got my Playbook tablet from Blackberry, they had an offer where you get a free device if you port an application to it. I ported Connection to it.
I’m now working on a simple but pretty fun multi-touch game, more to come on that.


2011 April 30 - 20:13 Toad, Sunforge, Jet Velocity 2, Eternity and Contract work

Thats what Im working on now.

Toad Trouble is released, try out your tongue skills at Kongregate.

I’ve also started working on a sequel to Jet Velocity, I usually don’t really like to do sequels but in this case I really think there is a lot of room for new features to Jet Velocity. Also I want to get the sequel out well before MoleHill/Flash11 which will make my old software engine obsolete.

I haven’t put much time into Sunforge lately, but I’m working on implementing some nicer graphics for the GUI, and a bunch of bug fixes as usual.
On top of that I’m also implementing some better collisions for units against the level, currently it’s very possible to push units over the cliff edges and such. To only rely on the pathfinding is not enough.

I had hoped to be able to release som sort of public beta about now, but it will probably be delayed at least a month. Late May possibly.


2011 April 21 - 15:49 WordPress backend

I’m switching to wordpress as a backend for my site, thats the reason for the old posts looking a bit weird now, I made a script that dumped the old stuff into the wp database but I did’nt bother with the dates and everything.
The old post system was pretty much just hardcoded html in a text-file.

It’s been a bit of a pain getting wordpress to work, one of the main problems was that wordpress like to remove html tags that it doesnt like from posts, such as embed and iframe, which breaks youtube embeds. Due to this I cant use the visual editor with spell-checking and every thing.
Also I’m not using a wordpress theme but only retrives the posts from wordpress and insert them into my usual html page, which might not be entirely ideal, maybe I should rewrite the site as a wordpress theme if I ever get the time.


2000 January 29 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2011-04-05 Progress

So, now I’m working mainly on SunForge, latest news on SunForgeSunForge. I’ve dropped Mysql and started using Mongo Db for it instead, can’t really say what’s better but I do like the syntax of Mongo better than SQL.
There a lot of both art and programming remaining, but it’s starting to shape up.

Also I’m doing some work on a peer 2 peer multiplayer version of Jet Velocity, I got a working prototype with server lobby. The licensing issues with Adobe RTMFP and the handshake service is troublesome though.

In addition to the above I’m planning to put a little more time into planninglyplanningly, being able to share tasks between users would be pretty nice.

Eternity Play Eternity is also something I’m working a little on, patching up some issues and adding some features.


2000 January 28 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2011-03-04 Project Toad Trouble

Simultanious to SunForge I’m also working on a platform game based on the same engine I wrote for RIFT. I started on this directly after RIFT but never got around to actually finishing it.



2000 January 27 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2011-02-18 Screen capture from SunForge

Here’s from screen capture from the current version of SunForge.


2000 January 26 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2011-02-10 Open alpha testing of Eternity

I’m happy to announce that we have started an open alpha testing of the space MMO I’ve been working on a lot during the last year,
Eternity.Play Eternity

Also I’m working on an multiplayer RTS game, sort of a mix between Red Alert and StarCraft, and a non-game project, a simple project planning tool


2000 January 25 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2010-11-14 Jet Velocity viral version released, and Malta!

The viral version of Jet Velocity is now released, getting pretty good ratings on both kongregateJet Velocity on kongregate and newgroundsJet Velocity on newgrounds.

The MMO project is starting to come together and I have a bunch of new projects Im eager to jump into.

Also, I’m now living in Malta :)
new office2


2000 January 24 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2010-10-15 Jet Velocity released, and moving to Malta!

Jet Velocity just got released on Miniclip.com!

Also, Im right in the middle of moving to Malta, which is going to be really nice, especially since its soon winter in Sweden.


2000 January 23 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2010-09-04 Update

RoboPop is released on Miniclipplay at miniclip now, and people seem to like it.

The MMO is coming along, although it’s a pretty big project, still a couple of month until it’s finished I would think.

The racing game, named Jet Velocity 3D is pretty much finished, and I’m into negotions with sponsors about it now. It’s going to be interesting to see how well this game is received by its audience when released, if it gets popular enough I’m probably going to create a multiplayer racing game based on the same engine. That would be cool :)

Also Im working on getting a company started on Malta, and I going to move there sometime during this autumn… before x-mas at least.


2000 January 22 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2010-07-17 Racing Game

Still putting the majority of my time on the MMO, but I put a few hours into a new 3d racing game.

Also, a game I made for MiniClip should go online fairly soon.


2000 January 21 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2010-05-30 Projects

Currently I’m mainly working on a space MMO, and it’s fairly complex so that will probably be my main project for the next 6 months or so.

Besides that I’m doing a contract game, and some other smaller projects… and playing Red Dead Redemption.