2011 April 21 - 15:49 WordPress backend

I’m switching to wordpress as a backend for my site, thats the reason for the old posts looking a bit weird now, I made a script that dumped the old stuff into the wp database but I did’nt bother with the dates and everything.
The old post system was pretty much just hardcoded html in a text-file.

It’s been a bit of a pain getting wordpress to work, one of the main problems was that wordpress like to remove html tags that it doesnt like from posts, such as embed and iframe, which breaks youtube embeds. Due to this I cant use the visual editor with spell-checking and every thing.
Also I’m not using a wordpress theme but only retrives the posts from wordpress and insert them into my usual html page, which might not be entirely ideal, maybe I should rewrite the site as a wordpress theme if I ever get the time.