2000 January 29 - 00:00 Old batch converted post

2011-04-05 Progress

So, now I’m working mainly on SunForge, latest news on SunForgeSunForge. I’ve dropped Mysql and started using Mongo Db for it instead, can’t really say what’s better but I do like the syntax of Mongo better than SQL.
There a lot of both art and programming remaining, but it’s starting to shape up.

Also I’m doing some work on a peer 2 peer multiplayer version of Jet Velocity, I got a working prototype with server lobby. The licensing issues with Adobe RTMFP and the handshake service is troublesome though.

In addition to the above I’m planning to put a little more time into planninglyplanningly, being able to share tasks between users would be pretty nice.

Eternity Play Eternity is also something I’m working a little on, patching up some issues and adding some features.