2012 February 11 - 23:42 Contract work and UMAG2

The UMAG2 release went as planned. It’s currently only running on my own domain, umag2.com.
One annoying thing is that I’m using mochimedias mochi-social API to handle the login/registration, and lately their service has been a bit unstable. :(

I’ve completed the kongregate version, using their auth-API and Kreds for microtransactions. Now I’m just waiting to get approved for release, games that uses kreds needs to be approved by kongregate before they go public. After the kong-version I’ll start releasing it on some other sites before I turn on the mochi-distribution.

I’m a bit low on funds at the moment, UMAG2 was expensive and time consuming to create. So for the next few months I need to focus on contract work.

My mobile projects for Nook and Amazon has been fairly profitable, at least if it keeps at this level for a while.